Four years ago, then first-lady Michelle Obama launched her Reach Higher initiative with a rally celebrating College Signing Day. In a USA Today op-ed that she wrote soon afterward, Mrs. Obama said:
Many of our young people have little, if any, guidance on how to pursue higher education. This is a serious loss, not just for them, but for our country. Today, workers with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $16,000 more per year than those with just a high school diploma, and three-quarters of the fastest-growing occupations require a college degree. The facts are very clear: if we want America to compete in the global marketplace, all of our young people will need some kind of education beyond high school, whether that’s a two-year or four-year degree or a professional certificate.
The Reach Higher initiative and College Signing Day promote college and career for high school students in this country. Starting with that first rally, the initiative has grown to include over 2,000 schools in the United States.
LifeLaunchr Joins the College Signing Day Initiative
LifeLaunchr is proud to join in the College Signing Day initiative this year. The Facebook Live event for the Reach Higher initiative is at, Wednesday, May 2 at 11:15 AM Eastern. So join us as we celebrate with the First Lady!
Our students have been accepted into top public universities including the Universities of California, Oregon, Arizona, Georgia, and Texas, Sonoma State University, and San Francisco State University. And they have been accepted into private universities including Bard College, Hampshire College, Yale University, the University of San Francisco, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Oxford University. Some are headed to great two-year colleges and some to gap years. We’re proud of all of them!
And don’t forget to brag about where you’re going to college. Throughout the months of April and May, post on social media about where you’re headed, use the hashtag #collegesigningday, and tag @lifelaunchr on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.