LifeLaunchr and its operations are headquartered in the United States, and our target audience is in the United States. We comply with United States data protection and privacy laws. Information our users provide to us or that we obtain as a result of their use of our services may be transferred to and processed on servers operated by us and our data processing partners in the United States.
As part of our efforts to comply with European GDPR regulations, we have made a number of important changes, including:
- Updated our Terms of Service, effective immediately for all customers and users
- Updated our Privacy Policy
- Created an updated, simple, and streamlined opt-out process for any individuals who do not wish to be tracked by our software
- Simplified the process for users who wish to cancel their memberships
- Identified and audited all third-party vendors and services that have access to the personal data of LifeLaunchr customers
- Audited data storage, security, and retention policies
- We have notified all LifeLaunchr customers of our updated privacy policies and terms of user