If you’re a passionate environmentalist, and want to find ways to conserve the natural environment, you might enjoy the field of natural resources and conservation. This field involves the studying the effects of human activity on the environment, as well as the effect of climate change, and finding ways to address these changes. There are many careers that lead out of these majors – from being a park ranger to working at universities or environmental NGOs (non-governmental organizations).
This video by the United Kingdom’s Lantra explains some of the career paths you can choose if you study natural resources and conservation.
This article from the University of California, Berkeley’s College of Natural Resources explains this is an interdisciplinary field that draws from numerous subject areas:
Conservation and Resource Studies (CRS) is an interdisciplinary program designed for students interested in environmental issues and areas of interaction among natural resources, population, energy, technology, societal institutions, and cultural values. The major offers a flexible, individualized educational approach to understanding the structure and dynamic functions of complex environmental systems within our society and biosphere. Because CRS students draw on the course offerings of the entire campus, they are able to tap into the social sciences, biological sciences, physical sciences, and humanities to address real-world complexity and the resulting issues.
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